

 International students experience challenges in 4 key areas. Those areas are academic, social, living, and career. When you work with me in one of my coaching programs, you can expect to navigate these areas with greater ease and to feel happier with your decision to study in the USA.



What made you do well in your home country won’t necessarily help you succeed in the U.S. I can help you get up to speed:

  • Quickly understand academic practices and expectations of American education   

  • Modify learning habits to perform optimally in U.S. schools

  • Effectively communicate with professors to achieve educational goals 

  • Build relationships with peers as and utilize school resources to facilitate learning



Friends play an important role in international students’ adjustment in the U.S. I can help you create a support system:

  • Understand American social and cultural practices

  • Learn how to socialize with Americans in different settings  

  • Develop healthy, supportive friendships and/or romantic relationships if desired  



Living in a foreign country and handling everything on your own for the first time can be tough. I’ll help you learn how to:

  • Confidently navigate different aspects of your everyday life in the U.S.

  • Steer clear of potential personal, safety, financial or legal pitfalls that otherwise might cost you great emotional, mental, and financial damage



Good grades won’t necessarily land you a good job in the U.S. If your goal is to build a career in the U.S. I can help you:

  • Network with results 

  • Prepare for internship/job interviews

  • Effectively navigate workplace culture

  • Build meaningful mentorships

  • Develop the right mindset for a successful career



Private Coaching for International Students

Private 1:1 coaching
Learn key skills to overcome challenges of being an international student in the U.S.
Identify best practices for speaking up in class and discussions with your American teachers and peers
Learn how to build relationships with your American teachers and peers in order to develop your academic and career network in the U.S.

Group Coaching for International Students

Group coaching
Train with proven curriculum for success as an international student in the U.S.
Build key skills for speaking up in class, raising hand, and asking questions as part of learning in the U.S.
Overcome fear of public speaking & making presentations
Develop skills for relationship building in the U.S.
Understand social norms in the U.S.
Let go of unhealthy personalization of common struggles experienced by international students
Understand the importance of participating in extracurricular activities and social groups in the U.S.
Receive peer support from other international students

Proud Parent Program

Private coaching for parents of international students
Understand cultural challenges your child is facing in the U.S.
Undersetand key values of the American education system and why your child need to adjust their learning behavior accordingly
Learn how to remove pressure that's negatively impacting your child's learning
Learn how to best support your child, so they can achieve success in the U.S.